Team Empower

Meet Team Empower!

We are so fortunate to have this extraordinary group of talented, caring and experienced teachers.

All Team Empower teachers are genuine, top-notch, professional — free from ego, judgement, competition or "show", and committed to delivering the very best yoga experience for you. We have seen and experienced, firsthand, the amazing transformation of body and mind that comes from a regular yoga practice. Let us share this transformative experience with you to help you live a healthier, happier, more peaceful life.

Our goal at Empower is not to put you in the "perfect" pose or to strive for perfection of any kind — we are simply here to guide you safely through your yoga class, on a journey of breath, sweat, peace and joy. We invite you to experience the healing, empowering, and life-changing magic of yoga.

Learn more about each instructor: